Leiomyoma of the round ligament of the uterus

Case contributed by Levon Davtyan
Diagnosis certain


Palpable mass in the left inguinal region. History of ectopic pregnancy followed by right adnexectomy. 

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

CASE OF THE MONTH: This case was selected as the Case of the Month for March 2024.

There is a large mass in the left inguinal region measuring 14 cm in the craniocaudal dimension. The inferior border is adjacent to the left labium majus, and it connects to the round ligament of the uterus, suggesting the origin of the mass arising from the round ligament.

No lymphadenopathy.

Incidentally, there is a 5.0 cm left ovarian simple cyst.

The patient was sent to surgery with a primary diagnosis of round ligament leiomyoma.

During the surgical resection of the mass, the connection between the round ligament of the uterus and the mass was evident.


Mesenchymal tumor, most compatible with leiomyoma with stromal edema.

Case Discussion

Tumors of the round ligament of the uterus are very rare. The most common type of round ligament tumors is leiomyomas, as in this case.

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