Pilocytic astrocytoma

Case contributed by Frank Gaillard
Diagnosis certain



Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Rounded FLAIR hyperintense vermian mass with central faint enhancement and central susceptibility induced signal loss suggestive of small hemorrhage within the lesion. No associated CBV elevation. The mass demonstrates facilitated diffusion compared to the adjacent brain. Spectroscopy trace is non-contributory.  The mass mildly partially effaces the fourth ventricle without evidence of hydrocephalus.


The vermian mass has a differential that includes pilocytic astrocytoma/pilomyxoid astrocytoma although usually they have more florid enhancement. Medulloblastoma in this age group is more frequent in the cerebellar hemispheres and would be expected to have lower ADC values. A DNET can have this appearance, although this appears somewhat larger and more solid than is usual.

Case Discussion

The patient went on to have a resection.


Sections show the cerebellum infiltrated by a glial tumor of only moderate cellularity.  The tumor cells have elongated nuclei and fine processes.  Rosenthal fibers and eosinophilic granular bodies are widespread.  In some areas, the stroma is much looser and somewhat microcystic.  There are no mitoses, necrosis or microvascular proliferation.


  • GFAP: positive

  • OLIG2: positive

  • IDH1 R132H: negative (not mutated)

  • ATRX: positive (not mutated)

  • p53: mosaic (wildtype)

  • p16: positive

  • BRAF V600E: negative

  • S100: positive

  • H3K27M: negative

  • Ki67: <1%

Final diagnosis

Pilocytic astrocytoma (CNS WHO grade 1).

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