Post pacemaker pneumothorax (series of images)

Case contributed by Ian Bickle
Diagnosis certain


Admitted with chest pain. Pacemaker insertion during admission.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female

Heart size normal.  Lungs clear.

Routine post 2 hours ...


Routine post 2 hours pacemaker insertion


Left apical pneumothorax.

Heart size normal.  Right lung clear.

The next day


The left pneumothorax is now large.

4 hours later



Left pleural drain.

Left pneumothorax reduced in size, but residual at the apex.

The next day



Left pleural drain.  Pneumothorax resolved.

Case Discussion

Pneumothorax is a potential complication of pacemaker insertion.

This demonstrates a series films from pacemaker pre insertion through to drainage and resolution of a post procedural pneumothorax.

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