Sarcoidosis - perilymphatic nodular thicknening

Case contributed by Dalia Ibrahim
Diagnosis almost certain


Chest pain and dyspnea.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Enlarged bilateral hilar lymph nodes. Multiple mildly enlarged paratracheal, prevascular and subcarinal lymph nodes.

Pulmonary parenchymal changes which are evident on the right lower lung lobe, in the form of:

  • perilymphatic irregular nodular thickening in the
    • central interstitium: along the bronchovascular bundles with centrilobular nodules
    • peripheral interstitium: interlobular septa, subpleural lung and interlobar fissures

Scanned upper abdominal cuts showed splenomegaly, calcular gallbladder and epigastric hernia containing bowel loops.

Case Discussion

This case demonstrates stage III sarcoidosis showing:

  • bilateral hilar nodal enlargement
  • pulmonary parenchymal changes mainly in the form of perilymphatic nodular thickening, involving the central interstitium with peribronovascular thickening and centrilobular nodules, and the peripheral interstitium showing nodular thickening of the inter-lobular septae, subpleural space and interlobar fissures

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