Splenic pseudocyst

Case contributed by Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Diagnosis almost certain


Abdominal pain. Incidental finding.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

A 52×43 mm thin-walled unilocular cyst with homogeneous internal fluid density, without calcification and enhancing solid component is noted in the lower part of the spleen.

Case Discussion

Features are most consistent with splenic pseudocyst probably post-traumatic or post-infection.

Secondary cysts are the most common cystic lesions of the spleen and are usually post-traumatic or post-infection pseudocysts. Sometimes pancreatic pseudocysts may also be seen in the spleen. They account for 80% of benign non-parasitic cysts of the spleen.

Primary splenic cysts also known as epithelial or epidermoid cysts represent only ~20% of cysts found in the spleen.

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