Sturge-Weber syndrome

Case contributed by Ummul Khayer Fatema
Diagnosis almost certain


Port wine stain in the face, seizure, and mental retardation.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Female

Multiple areas of gyriform subcortical calcifications involving right parieto-temporo-occipital regions with atrophy of brain parenchyma on the same side.

The rest of the brain parenchyma looks normal.

Case Discussion

A young female came with a history of repeated convulsions, a port wine stain on the right side of her face, and mental retardation.

CT scan of the brain shows a gyriform pattern of subcortical calcifications (tram track sign) in right parieto-temporo-occipital regions with atrophy (dilatation of extraventricular CSF spaces and loss of volume) of brain parenchyma on the same side.

The left cerebral hemisphere looks completely normal.

CT is confirmatory for diagnosis in almost all cases.

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