King's College Hospital on

King's College Hospital



King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is one of the UK’s largest and busiest teaching Trusts with a turnover of c£1 billion, 1.5 million patient contacts a year and more than 13,500 staff based across five main sites in South East London.

Our specialist services are available to patients across a wider catchment area, providing nationally and internationally recognised work in liver disease and transplantation, neurosciences, haemato-oncology and foetal medicine.

In addition, King's is a tertiary referral centre for trauma and has a very busy emergency department.

The breast radiology department delivers a symptomatic and screening service for South East London.

Bhavna Batohi

London, United Kingdom

Bhavna Batohi, King's College Hospital

Dr Batohi is a consultant radiologist at King's College Hospital in London. S...

David Nicholson Thomas

London, United Kingdom

David Nicholson Thomas, King's College Hospital

Interventional radiology·Specialty trainee year (ST 6)

Jess Lubel

United Kingdom

Jess Lubel, King's College Hospital

General radiology·Specialty trainee year (ST 1)

Joseph Dillon-Hearne

London, United Kingdom

Joseph Dillon-Hearne, King's College Hospital

Joe is a reporting radiographer based at King's College Hospital in South Lon...

Jugal Patel

United Kingdom

Jugal Patel, King's College Hospital

General radiology·Specialty trainee year (ST 4)

Sarah Gower

United Kingdom

Sarah Gower, King's College Hospital

Advanced practitioner (radiographer)·Radiographer/Technician

Zoe Scott

United Kingdom

Zoe Scott, King's College Hospital

Trainee MSK reporting radiographer 

Previous Members

Matthew Benger

United Kingdom

Matthew Benger, King's College Hospital

Neuroradiology·Specialty trainee year (ST 1)

Saif Sait

United Kingdom

Saif Sait, King's College Hospital

General radiology·Specialty trainee year (ST 3)

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