Displaced medial meniscal tear

  1. Displaced vertical tear of the medial meniscus body and anterior horn producing a large unstable fragment flipped through the intercondylar recess anteriorly to sit above the anterior horn and root attachment of the lateral meniscus.  Additional chronic horizontal tear of the medial meniscal posterior horn with parameniscal cyst and associated pes anserine bursitis. 
  2. Degenerative signal within the anterior root attachment, anterior horn and body of the lateral meniscus, with incomplete radial tear suspected in the posterior root attachment of the lateral meniscus.
  3. Superficial patellar cartilage fissuring and Hoffa's fat pad edema suggestive of patella maltracking.
  4. Incidental nonaggressive appearing bone lesion within the proximal fibula, most likely a lowgrade chondroid lesion such as an enchondroma.
  5. Synovitis associated with the synovial covering of the cruciate ligaments but no cruciate ligament tear.
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