Breast fibroadenoma after augmentation mammoplasty


5 years previously, the patient underwent bilateral augmentation mammoplasty for cosmetic purpose; round silicone gel implants were inserted under the pectoralis muscles through inframammary incisions.

The cosmetic results proved satisfactory and agreeable, without capsular contracture.
In the upper outer quadrant of the left breast there is a mobile, non-sensitive, firm lump measuring 2 cm in diameter, with well-defined margins; the skin over the mass is normal and in the axilla no lymph nodes are palpable.

Because the lesion is clinically benign and sonographer BI-RADS category 2, mammography is considered unnecessary and FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) is avoided for the risk of perforating the prosthesis, although reports showed that it is a safe technique to assess breast lesions in patients who have had augmentation mammoplasties.

The patient is anxious and prefers to remove the nodule.

Under light anesthesia, the lump is carefully removed without damaging the capsule of the implant.

The final histology confirms the diagnosis of benign fibroadenoma.

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