Hypoglycemic encephalopathy


Hypoglycemic encephalopathy is a metabolic encephalopathy, that results from an imbalance between the supply and the use of glucose by brain cells, and occurs due to hypoglycemia 1-4. Cerebral MRI, especially DWI, is an important tool for the diagnosis and predictive of prognosis of this condition 1,2,4-6.

This case illustrates hypoglycemic encephalopathy, with the typical medical history and blood indicators, combined with MRI findings, with DWI giving the best clue to the diagnosis. This child had a good outcome, and his symptoms improved after intravenous glucose therapy.

Case courtesy

  • Erick Cavalcante, MD - PGY-3, Radiology resident, Department of Radiology
  • Bianca Madero, Neuro pediatrician, Department of Pediatrics
  • Antonio Rodrigues de Aguiar Neto, MD - Radiologist, Department of Radiology

 Hospital da Restauração – Recife, PE – Brazil

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