Full-thickness rotator cuff tear


This case illustrates a typical full-thickness rotator cuff tear and discusses findings, which should be included in the radiological report 1-4

  • grading of the rotator cuff tear (full-thickness, partial-thickness) including increased fluid in the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa
  • the shape of the rotator cuff tear - important for the selection of the surgical technique 3
  • tear dimensions including tendon retraction, Patte classification 6
  • tear extension into other rotator cuff muscles or adjacent structures - in this case, the distal infraspinatus tendon
  • atrophy assessed by the tangent sign 7 or by cross-sectional area 3,9
  • fatty degeneration of the affected muscles (Goutallier classification8
  • suspected cause or mechanism of the rotator cuff tear including signs of impingement, decreased acromiohumeral distance, tendon degeneration, glenohumeral instability
  • other findings e.g. calcific tendinitis or excessive cystic change/erosions of the greater tubercle could affect surgical repair
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