Giant cerebral cavernoma



Histopathology confirmed the imaging diagnosis of a giant cavernoma.


  • giant cavernomas are rare. In the setting of acute intralesional hemorrhage, atypical imaging features like vasogenic edema, mass effect, loss of peripheral hemosiderin rim, fluid-fluid levels or perilesional hemorrhage may be seen 1. Angiography is warranted in such cases. Follow up imaging is recommended if the lesion is not surgically treated 1,2.
  • MRI is the investigation of choice. DTI and fMRI are useful in surgical planning and intra-operative neuronavigation when the lesion is seated close to the eloquent areas 3.
  • associated developmental venous anomaly (DVA) should be looked for in all cases of cavernoma, as they are often seen together and the presence of a DVA increases the chances of intralesional hemorrhage 4.


Corr. Author of the case : Dr. Ullas V Acharya. 

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