Cerebellar metastasis from lung adenocarcinoma


The patient underwent stereotactic posterior fossa craniotomy and gross total resection of the right cerebellar lesion. He had a Medical background of recently diagnosed lung adenocarcinoma. 


Sections show extensively necrotic tumor forming sheets and large nests of cohesive epithelioid cells with large hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei, clumped chromatin, occasional prominent nucleoli and moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm.  No definite squamous or glandular differentiation.

  • Positive
    • AE1/3
    • CK7
    • TTF1
  • Negative
    • CK20
    • p40
    • MelanA
    • SOX10

FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Metastatic non-small cell carcinoma, favoring lung adenocarcinoma.

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