Calcified hydatid cyst of spleen


CT feature of a calcified splenic mass probably hydatid cyst with diffuse hepatic steatosis (incidental findings) in a patient with chronic pyelonephritis.

Splenic hydatid infection is considered as a rare form of hydatid disease, and isolated splenic involvement is even less common. usually asymptomatic.

The spleen is involved in three situations:

  • systemic dissemination
  • intraperitoneal spread from a ruptured hepatic hydatid cyst 
  • retrograde spread from the liver to the spleen via the hepatic portal and splenic veins in portal hypertension

The differential diagnosis for splenic hydatid cysts includes other splenic cystic lesions:

  • splenic epidermoid cysts
  • splenic pseudocysts
  • splenic abscesses
  • splenic hematomas
  • cystic neoplasms of the spleen 
  • intrasplenic pancreatic pseudocyst 
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