Metastatic T3/T4 prostate adenocarcinoma


Prostate adenocarcinoma.   Radiological stage:  T3b/T4,N1,Mx

Specimen: Prostatic needle core biopsies.

Macroscopy: 1. Right - three cores up to 17 mm. 2. Left - three cores up to 17 mm.


1. Right - adenocarcinoma is present, of the usual microacinar type Gleason patterns present: 4 + 5 Number of cores invaded by tumor: All Percentage of tissue involved by tumor: 90 % Perineural invasion is seen Extraprostatic invasion is not seen

2. Left - adenocarcinoma is present, of the usual microacinar type. Gleason patterns present: 4 + 5 Number of cores invaded by tumor: All Percentage of tissue involved by tumor: 90 % Perineural invasion is seen Extraprostatic invasion is not seen Comment: The global combined Gleason score = 9; 4 + 5 (Grade Group = 5).


1. Right - adenocarcinoma - combined Gleason score = 9; 4 + 5 (Grade Group = 5).

2. Left - adenocarcinoma - combined Gleason score = 9; 4 + 5 (Grade Group = 5).

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