Metastatic endometrial cancer


This is a suspected case of metastatic endometrial cancer given the significant endometrial thickening in a post-menopausal woman, abdominal lymphadenopathy, and multiple intracranial masses.

The patient was G0P0000 who presented for falls in the setting left-sided hemiparesis. She reported that menses occurred regularly with normal flow prior to onset of menopause ten years prior. Since menopause, she had intermittent vaginal spotting that recently worsened. She did not have a known medical history and did not regularly follow with either a primary care physician or gynecologist. On physical exam, she was found to have postmenopausal bleeding and an enlarged uterus to 8 cm above the umbilicus.

The patient refused all treatment and opted for hospice care. The patient expired one month following the above workup.

Ciara Dobrowolski
Christine Cooley, MD

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