Items tagged “stub”

1,316 results found

Attenuation imaging (ultrasound)

Attenuation imaging is an emerging method (c.2022) used for detection hepatic steatosis. It provides the function of quantifying and reducing the color code of liver decay factors, which may be due to changes in hepatic composition (such as increased fat content) 1-3. The ATI value is defined a...

Supraspinatus tendon tear

Supraspinatus tendon tears are rotator cuff injuries affecting the supraspinatus tendon and are a common cause of shoulder pain. Epidemiology They are the most common rotator cuff injuries and around 1/3 of them are isolated only affecting the supraspinatus tendon 1. Incidence is estimated to ...

Amyloid myopathy

Amyloid myopathy results from the extracellular deposition of the fibrous protein amyloid within the musculoskeletal system and is a musculoskeletal manifestation of amyloidosis, particularly in patients on long-term haemodialysis. It could coexist with amyloid arthropathy. See also amyloidosi...

Point shear wave elastography

Point shear wave elastography (pSWE) is a type of shear wave elastography using ultrasound machine where an acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) is used to generate shear waves in targeted area of liver tissue.

Overstuffing (shoulder arthroplasty)

Overstuffing of the total shoulder arthroplasty or shoulder hemiarthroplasty is secondary to an oversized humeral component or inaccurate positioning of the prosthetic humeral head, which can lead to subacromial impingement from malposition with attritional rotator cuff tears. Medial overstuffi...


Ageusia refers to a complete loss of taste. In instances where it is partial it is then falls under the spectrum of the conditions such as hypogeusia (decreased sensitivity to all tastants) hyperguesia (enhanced gustatory sensitivity) dysgeusia (unpleasant perception of a tastant) and phanto...

Gliomatosis peritonei

Gliomatosis peritonei is very rare and is characterized by the implantation of benign mature glial tissue in the peritoneum, omentum, and/or lymph nodes. It is usually associated with ovarian teratoma, although has rarely been seen with other teratomas 1-4. Rarely gliomatosis peritonei has also...

Axillary web syndrome

Axillary web syndrome is a commonly occurring condition secondary to breast cancer surgery involving lymphadenectomy 1. It is characterized by the presence of one or multiple thin cords in the subcutaneous tissues of the axilla, which extends down the arm and/or chest wall 1,2. This can lead to ...

Bayonet artifact

Bayonet artifact is a type of artifact encountered in ultrasound guided needle techniques, that results in the apparent bending of the needle as it passes into or adjacent to tissue with different sound transmission speeds. In constructing an ultrasound image, the machine assumes a constant spe...

Posterior ciliary arteries

The posterior ciliary arteries are usually paired branches arising from the ophthalmic artery, one medial and one lateral, each giving off a number of branches that supply the uvea 1. Close to the optic nerve, are the short posterior ciliary arteries, usually numbering 16-20; these supply the p...

Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation

Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation is a scoliosis restorative method employed since 1983. Principally this procedure is used in any situation requiring posterior spinal instrumentation with rigid fixation like fractures and retrolisthesis. Contrary to Harrington rods, this procedure is much better...

Hepatic stellate cells

Hepatic stellate cells present in the perisinusoidal space of Disse between the fenestrated sinusoidal endothelial cell layer and hepatic epithelial cells, store vitamin A. They participate in liver development and regeneration if activated by damage such as after chronic hepatitis by producing ...

Cotton ball sign (gallbladder)

The cotton ball sign refers to imaging characteristics of fundal adenomyomatosis as seen on contrast-enhanced CT. The sign refers to thickened, fuzzy, enhancing gallbladder fundus, reminiscent of a cotton ball 1,2.

Bagel sign (disambiguation)

A bagel sign has been named in multiple contexts: bagel sign in MRI spine of neuro-Behçet disease-associated myelitis bagel sign in ultrasound of tubal ectopic pregnancy

Left hemicolectomy

Left hemicolectomy is a surgical procedure in which splenic flexure, descending colon, and a portion of the sigmoid colon are removed for radical treatment of various pathologies affecting the descending colon. Indications colon cancer inflammatory bowel disease isolated left diverticular di...

Spinopelvic balance

Spinopelvic balance is an important concept in adult spinal deformities. There are numerous ways of assessing spinopelvic balance, using various bony landmarks and angles to evaluate whether or not a normal distribution of weight and stresses is present through the axial skeleton, some incorpora...

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