
Multiple choice questions are not just simple ways to check factual knowledge. They can also include images or can be used to integrate understanding across multiple areas. Questions are automatically included at the bottom of related articles as revision but can also be accessed directly from this page. Find out more about MCQs.

188 results found

Question 31

What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 190

Which of the following is the most common cause of isolated free fluid on CT in trauma patients? 


Question 243

When considering the injuries caused by gunshots, which factor does NOT affect the type and severity of injury?


Question 258

What is the most common cause of an enlarged cardiac silhouette on a PA chest x-ray? 


Question 259

Which of the following will provide the most accurate measurement of the cardiothoracic ratio? 


Question 343

When visually assessing CT perfusion maps (without the aid of automated software) ischemic infarct core is best delineated by which of the following parameters?


Question 344

In cerebral ischemia, the ischemic penumbra is best defined by which of the following combination of parameters?


Question 345

Which of the following changes in CT perfusion parameters is NOT consistent with an ischemic penumbra? 


Question 402

In the accompanying axial image from a non-contrast CT of the brain, white matter is indicated by which letter?


Question 403

In the accompanying axial image from a non-contrast CT of the brain, muscle is indicated by which letter?


Question 404

In the accompanying axial image from a non-contrast CT of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is indicated by which letter?


Question 405

In the accompanying axial image from a non-contrast CT of the brain, grey matter is indicated by which letter?


Question 406

In the accompanying axial image from a non-contrast CT of the brain, blood is indicated by which letter?


Question 407

In the accompanying axial image from a non-contrast CT of the brain, bone is indicated by which letter?


Question 453

Pott disease is caused by which of the following? 


Question 466

An elderly, otherwise well, individual presents with a headache and is investigated with an MRI. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 501

A 50-year-old woman presents with a gradual decline in cognitive function and is investigated with an MRI. Which of the following most likely describes their cognitive deficit?


Question 508

A 65-year-old female with a proven glioblastoma (IDH-1 wild-type, MGMT methylated) undergoes Stupp protocol combined chemoradiotherapy. Two months after completion of radiotherapy, a follow-up MRI demonstrate a substantial increase in size of a peripheral enhancing component with abundant surrounding vasogenic edema resulting in mass effect. The enhancing component has low cerebral blood volume and spectroscopy demonstrates a dominant lipid and lactate peak, with minimal choline or NAA. 

What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 523

This 3-month old boy presents with increasing head circumference. He underwent a cranial ultrasound. What is the most likely diagnosis? 


Question 524

A 4 month-old girl presents with a large mass within the trigone of the lateral ventricle, with associated hydrocephalus. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

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