Canal of Nuck hernia containing ovary

Case contributed by Matt Dentry
Diagnosis certain


A palpable, non-tender, non-mobile lump in the left groin of a 10-week old girl

Patient Data

Age: 10 weeks
Gender: Female

Left groin


Left groin hernia shows bowel loops within. They appear to be reducible.

Case Discussion

A 10-week old girl presented via the emergency department with a firm, non-mobile, non-tender lump in the left groin, roughly 1.5cm in size. 

Ultrasound showed reducible bowel and ovary within the hernia sac. 

She was transferred to a tertiary center under pediatric surgery. Surgery revealed an indirect hernia with the ovary and fallopian tubes adherent to the sac. This was reduced and the defect repaired. 

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