Chronic mandibular osteomyelitis with large sequestrum

Case contributed by Henry Knipe
Diagnosis certain


Jaw pain.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Female

Sclerotic process centered on the mandibular symphysis (mild blur artifcat) with cortical destruction of the inferior aspect. 

Multiple absent teeth with dental caries affecting the remaining maxillary teeth. 

Destructive lucent mandibular lesion involving the right mandibular body, extending across the midline to the left mandibular body. Centrally there is a sclerotic sequestrum. Extensive cortical loss of the inferior mandibular symphysis (representing the cloaca) with a likely sinus tract to skin in the midline. Extensive mandibular sclerosis and cortical thickening of the non-destroyed mandibular symphysis and body. 

Case Discussion

Typical findings of chronic osteomyelitis, with the original source of infection thought to be a right mandibular periapical abscess (present on previous imaging). 

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