Hangman fracture with incidental arcuate foramen

Case contributed by Alhasan Abdul Rahim Taresh
Diagnosis certain


Neck pain after falling from a height. He complains of neck pain without neurological deficit.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Male

Cervical radiograph Lat view


Hangman fracture of C2.

Case Discussion

Hangman fracture is a fracture that involves both pars interarticulares of the C2 vertebra. It is typically the result of a hyperextension and distraction injury. The name originates from the injury supposedly sustained during judicial hanging. In this case, a fall on the head was the mechanism responsible for the hyperextension injury of this patient's cervical spine.

The arcuate foramen is a normal variant of the atlas and is appreciated on a lateral plain film of the craniocervical junction.

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