Hypopneumatisation of the mastoid air cells

Case contributed by Tariq Walizai
Diagnosis certain


Headache and tinnitus.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

Provided axial MRI sequences shows hyperintense signal on all provided images without significant post-contrast enhancement involving mastoid air cells bilaterally for which we were in doubt for mastoidits.

CSF signals intensity are noted involving para-nasal sinuses suggestive of sinusitis.

No definite abnormal signals intensity is noted in brain parenchyma.

HRCT temporal bone was done which confirm these signal changes are actually due to hypopneumatization of mastoid air cells.

Mucosal thickening of bilateral maxillary and opacifiation of ethmoid air cells is noted.

Case Discussion

MRI and complementary HRCT findings are of hypopneumatisation of the mastoid air cells as detailed above.

Co-contributor: Dr. Anwar-ul-haq Zadran.

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