Ligamentum mucosum (infrapatellar plica)

Case contributed by Magdalena Chmiel-Nowak
Diagnosis not applicable

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

Ligamentum mucosum is visible as a thin, linear, low signal intensity structure, which originates from the intercondylar fossa, where it attaches anterior to the anterior cruciate ligament, and runs through the Hoffa's fat pad to the inferior pole of the patella.

Annotated image

Annotated image of the ligamentum mucosum (infrapatellar plica).

Case Discussion

Ligamentum mucosum is usually best visualized on sagittal images, in this case it can be nicely seen in all planes.

According to its morphology ligamentum mucosum has been subdivided into four types; the one above is most likely a longitudinally divided 'split type'.

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