Buccal squamous cell carcinoma

Case contributed by Dalia Ibrahim
Diagnosis certain


Oral cavity, outer gingiva, inner lip inflammatory ulcer.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Female

Left oral cavity lower inner lip/outer gingiva irregular soft tissue mass lesion. It elicits low signal on T1 , high signal on T2 & STIR WI with diffusion restriction and non homogeneous post contrast enhancement. It's abutting the adjacent aspect of the left mandible. This is suggestive of neoplastic mass lesion.

Multiple enlarged left submandibular lymph nodes, likely metastatic.

Microscopic picture: examined sections revealed pieces of squamous oral mucosa, showing surface sheets of keratinised squamous epithelium with moderate atypia and underlying nests and groups of infiltrating malignant squamous cells with large vesicular nuclei. and high N/C ratio. The tumour is seen infiltrating the underlying soft tissue.

Diagnosis: Infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated.

Case Discussion

Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity is the most common (by far) of the malignant lesions affecting this region. 

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