
Case contributed by Ahmed Abdrabou
Diagnosis certain


Headache and blurring of vision. CT revealed posterior fossa mass and biopsy was taken.

Patient Data

Age: 24 years old
Gender: Female

A large mass lesion is seen arising from the posterior aspect of left cerebellar hemisphere and extended posteriorly extra cranially through craniectomy defect at the occipital bone. The lesion displays low signal on T1, intermediate signal on T2 and bright signal on FLAIR. Moreover, there is true diffusion restriction as evident by bright DWI and low ADC signal with ADC value of 0.5. There is moderate enhancement after contrast administration. It mildly indents the posterior aspect of the 4th ventricle.


Pathology report confirms the diagnosis.

Case Discussion

The patient underwent partial excision of the tumour 3 months ago through posterior craniectomy, through which, the lesion herniates. Histopathological specimen confirms medulloblastoma. True diffusion restriction is keeping with the high cellularity of the tumour.

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