Os centrale carpi

Case contributed by Magdalena Chmiel-Nowak
Diagnosis almost certain


Vague pain in the wrist. No history of trauma

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

A well-corticated, oblong osseous structure is visible in the dorsal wrist, between the scaphoid, the trapezoid and the capitate bones, consistent with an accessory ossicle - os centrale carpi. Some degenerative changes are visible in its most anterior part, adjacent to the scaphoid; apart from that no visible abnormalities of the ossicle, no bone marrow oedema. Normal shape of the scaphoid.

Annotated image

Annotated images of the os centrale carpi.

Case Discussion

Os centrale carpi is an uncommon accessory ossicle of the wrist. It is usually asymptomatic, but sometimes it causes pain or clicking. In this case, most likely it was an incidental finding, as the site of the patient's pain didn't match the ossicle location. 

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